Write for us

by Oliver

Before submitting a guest article, ensure it is free from grammatical, typographical and formatting errors and must be original content that has never been published elsewhere.

Writing Style:

  • Write to captivate our viewers while avoiding lengthy writings and stories with unnecessary details. Practical advice or data-driven articles often perform better.
  • Avoid Oxford commas when writing: They tend not to work well for most writers.
  • Make use of headers to divide content into sections (at least 2-3 subheaders).
  • Use bullet points when appropriate to clarify ideas more efficiently.
  • Keep sentences and paragraphs concise by using active voice instead of passive voice.

Content Requirements

Word count: Your blog post must contain at least 550 words before submission for publishing.

Focus: Focus on one topic per post that engages and resonates with your target audience

Meta Description: Limit this field to 156 characters maximum (including spaces).

Headlines: Headlines should be 7-10 words long; short, captivating headlines get more clicks than longer ones. 

External Links: Provide at least one link to an authoritative source. 

SEO Keywords: Utilize at least one SEO keyword strategically throughout the text but avoid overusing it; aim for 1.5 to 2% keyword density as a goal.

Follow these rules, and you’ll be on your way to creating blog posts that are not only enjoyable to read but also optimised for interaction and visibility. We look forward to your contributions!

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